
Dr Michalis Hadjikakou


Cyprus - Greek/English/French

Director of Science, Food Systems

Planet-A Sustainability Science

Deakin University, Burwood

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Surrey

Email: m.hadjikakou@deakin.edu.au

Twitter: @MHadjikakou

Dr Hadjikakou is co-director of the Planet-A research lab. He specialises in developing analytical frameworks that quantify the environmental, social and economic impacts of food and land use systems. His research spans the disciplines of environmental science and management (water resources and land use modelling, environmental accounting, planetary boundaries), public health (environmental and health impacts of diets), environmental engineering (life cycle assessment) and sustainable tourism, with a strong grounding in statistics, computer programming and macroeconomic analysis. In his quest for identifying pathways towards sustainable food systems he combines a comprehensive understanding of agri-food supply chains, nutrition security, climate change adaptation, food consumption behaviour, and the associated environmental impacts.