Ozge Geyik


Sustainability of food systems is at the core of several Sustainable Development Goals

Ozge Geyik Brett Bryan Michalis Hadjikakou Emily Nicholson

Sustainability of food systems is at the core of several Sustainable Development Goals. Nutrition is the primary goal of food intake, yet has been under-represented in the sustainable food systems literature, with studies typically focused on yields or caloric content of food supplies. Furthermore, environmental impacts of food systems are often studied separately with less emphasis on nutrition security. Food trade is gaining more attention for its role in sustainable diets because not all countries can meet their food demand domestically. It may also not be environmentally preferable due to inefficiencies in local production, a highly vulnerable ecosystem, or both. Given the interactions among production and consumption patterns, demographic and socio-economic factors, and the environment, an overarching assessment of sustainable food systems is needed. My research aims to provide a deeper insight as to how to not only feed but nourish global population in a sustainable way. In short, my research interest is in sustainable and nutrition-sensitive food systems.